Dejame compartir contigo este loco viaje que tuve la increíble oportunidad de vivir. Desde el momento en que vi el perfil de xtube y los videos del Mestre GutoLemos, inmediatamente me convertí en un fan de sus videos y sus estilo. Oh wow .. ¿Acaso los has visto alguna vez? Si no, ve y hazlo ahora.
Pero una cosa es verlo en tu computadora, o algunas veces en tu cama, con tu teléfono, a medida que te excitas con cada video, con cada minuto de videos. Y otra cosa es tener la oportunidad de vivirla. Para experimentarlo, en la vida real.
Yo estaba en brasil, y antes de volver a casa en Argentina, me quedé unos días más en Sao Paolo para organizar una sesión con Mestre GutoLemos. Entonces, arreglamos una noche en su lugar donde está su dungeon. Esa noche me prepare mentalmente, pedi el Uber. Y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, habia llegado a su lugar. En la puerta había un guardia de seguridad en el frente. Me pidió mi documento. ¡MIERDA! ¡Salí del hotel sin mi documento! No podia volver al hotel para ir a buscarlo. No quería perder el tiempo, pero afortunadamente sé portugués y traté de hablar con el guardia de seguridad tratando de encontrar una solución a mi problema. ¡OH! Entonces recordé que tenía una foto de mi identificación en mi teléfono. ¡Eso podría funcionar! Lo busqué y se lo mostré al guardia. Dijo que estaba bien y pude entrar. ¡Increíble! Ahora empieza la diversión.
Fui al ascensor y ... mierda ... estaba temblando. Por supuesto, tenía muchos sentimientos recorriendome por el cuerpo, pero sobre todo la piel de gallina. Siempre me pongo la piel de gallina en cada sesión, y esta no fue la excepción. Tal vez estaba muy emocionado de tener la oportunidad de sesionar con alguien a quien admiras y lo sigues con mucho respeto. El ascensor era un poco lento para mi gusto, pero luego llegué al piso y busqué su puerta. Toqué el timbre y la puerta se abrió. Me estaba esperando, y me invitó a entrar. Sin perder tiempo, me ordenó que me quitara toda la ropa y los piercings, porque iba a jugar con algunas máscaras, así que no hay piercings. Yo digo que sí, y seguí sus órdenes. Ya he hecho algo similar antes, entrando en un lugar y desnudándome rápidamente para mi maestro, así que todo se sentía natural en ese momento .. Esperé a que se preparara. "Entra", dijo, y lo seguí.
Entré en su mazmorra y tuve un momento para contemplarla antes de comenzar la verdadera diversión. Era como un lugar soñado para mi. Wow, pensaba. Conocia algunos dungeons, pero todo en este lugar me llamaba la atencion lo ordenado y estrategicamente colocado que estaba todo. Era una obra maestra. ¿Cuanto tiempo le habra llevado armarlo? Bueno, claramente, el Mestre GutoLemos era un dom que le pone pasión a su trabajo, su dungeon, su articulos, lo demostraba. Estaba desnudo en frente suyo y de repente me dirige su primera orden de ponerme bajo una estructura que habia en el medio del dungeon, extendiendo mis brazos para arriba y mis pies a los costados, en pose de X. Si disfrutas de entregarte, sabras lo muy rico que se siente que tu amo te empiece a atar con las muñequeras. Toda la preparacion, era parte tambien del extasis. Esa preparacion me encanta, y la disfruto mucho.
De a una, fue aferrando las muñequeras a mis muñecas. A partir de ese momento ya comenzaba a estar limitado. En parte, ya estaba entregado a el. Hacia frio, y mi cuerpo temblaba un poco, pero estaba gozando el momento, y disfrutando cada roce de sus manos aferrandome a su artilleria. Luego comenzo con los pies, y con eso, ya estaba restringido. Luego el master comenzo con la artilleria mas delicada. Me dio la orden de mirar al frente y de a poco me fue colocando una mascara de cuero. Suavemente fue atandola a mi craneo. Dentro de ella no podia ver. Ya estaba ciego. “¿Podes respirar?” pregunto el master. “Si Señor” le conteste. Presenti que estaba satisfecho con mi respuesta y continuo preparandome. Luego de eso comenzo a colocarme una chastity cage, una de metal, de esas que pesan y el peso tensiona las bolas. Pero se sentia bien. Muy bien. Y a partir de alli ya el juego comenzaba a tomar forma. Mucho de ello fue disfrutar de estar en esa posicion un tiempo considerable, en los cuales perdia mucho la nocion del espacio. “¿Estara caminando alrededor mio?” “¿Estara sacando fotos?” “¿Filmando?” Solo sabia que tenía que mantener la postura. De vez en cuando se acercaba, jugaba con mis pezones, los pellizcaba, los retorcia, era divertido, era muy placentero. En un determinado momento, siento algo frio por mi cola. No solo senti ese frio metalico, tambien mi culo estaba abierto para sus dedos, que sentia como entraban con una buena cantidad de lubricante.
Yo respiraba profundo, para mentener la postura y la apertura. Luego vuelvo a sentir ese frio metalico por mi culo, sabia que era, un buen plug. Y con un poco de empuje, el master logro ingresarlo dentro mio, no era tan grande pero lo suficiente para que largara un suave gemido. En un momento comienzo a sentir una sensacion que nunca antes senti. Wow… era electro. Mi primera vez experimentando electro. Sentia como dentro de mi culo levantaba calor por dentro. “Ufff… es… tan.. genial” decia.. Y mientras sentia el shock dentro de mi culo que hacia que mis nalgas se contraigan con cada pulso, el master jugaba conmigo. Creo recordar, que tomo un flogger, algún articulo de cuero, que claramente no sabia cual porque estaba vendado, y comenzo a darme azotes. “Si… asi… “ me encantaban los golpes. Eran suaves, pero precisos. Todos fueron en el mismo tono. A veces sentia que queria mas, y mas fuerte. No se trataba de que yo resistiera el peso del cage, o el shock del plug en mi culo, o los azotes.. Se trataba de yo entregarme a todo eso que me estaba regalando el master. Entregarme a sus azotes. A sus golpes. Al shock electrico. Al peso del cage de metal. Recuerdo tambien sentir que se apoyaba atras mio..
No me esperaba sentir que tambien me cogiera de parado. Yo me acomodaba agachandome un poco para estar los dos a una altura comoda y el entraba con su pija dentro mio, y me cogia rico y suave, o rico y duro. Realmente, estaba alli para poder entregarme a cualquier depravacion que me hiciera, y fue tan genial aquel momento en aquella pose que no dejaba de querer mas y mas. Fue asi un muy buen rato, hasta que comienzo a sentir que el master comenzo a liberar mis brazos. Estaban cansados, un poco dormidos, pero aun las podia mover. De a poco me fue liberando de todo, del cage en mi pene, las piernas, y la mascara. El plug por motus propia se habia caido solo, pero ya para entonces, el juego habia terminado. Al menos.. la primera pausa. Como dije, yo disfrutaba tanto del momento previo al juego, como tambien el desarme. El amo no tardo en ponerme un collar y correa y me hizo ponerme en cuatro patas, y como perro, caminar hacia su cuarto. Alli me coloco una almohada para la cabeza, y me hizo acostarme en el piso. Alli me quedo esperando, donde acto seguido vuelve tomando una cerveza, y con el un embudo con un tubo. Oh.. habia llegado la hora de alimentar al cachorro.
Lo proximo que hace el master es colocar el embudo en su pene, y me dio la orden de ponerme el tubo en mi boca, el cual obedezco sin preguntar. Comienzo a sentir como un pequeño flujo de lluvia dorada comienza a caer dentro de mi boca, y emocionado, sin dudarlo, comienzo a beberlo. Estaba sediento, y realmente estaba muy a gusto de sentir el meo del amo entrar en mi garganta y saciarme. Era tan placentero que no pude evitar estar tan duro y tocarme mientras el me llenaba la boca de su meo. Un liquido bien caliente, bien fuerte. Se aseguro de que no quedara ni una gota en su verga, y me saco el tubo. Luego de eso, el se echo a la cama, y me hizo arrodillar en frente de sus pies. Al fin me habia dado la orden gloriosa de atenderle a sus pies. Y yo, sin dudarlo, y hasta con mucho entusiasmo, le obedesco, de a poco pasando mi lengua por cada uno de sus pies. Al master le encantaba. Disfrutaba escuchar sus rugidos placenteros que mi lengua le provocaba cuando le lamia la planta de los pies y entre los dedos del mismo. Tenía varios trucos para el, que añoraba que los notara y los disfrutara. Entre ellos, ir dedo por dedo, pasando mi lengua alrededor de ellos, lamiendolos y chupandolos, en cualquier angulo posible. De extremo a extremo. En cada uno de sus pies. Me enfocaba de no apurarme, de disfrutar de ese sabor unico de sus pies. Sabian deliciosos, y yo me sentia muy guarro por dentro..
Era dificil no tocarse con esa imagen. El master lo disfrutaba, lo podia notar por como se relajaba y me dejaba ser un buen cachorro para atenderlo. Luego me dice que me suba a la cama, y que atienda su verga. Con gusto, me subi, en cuatro, a la cama. Y con mucho entusiasmo comienzo a olfatearle por todos lados. Oh si.. Que rico que era el sabor, el aroma del amo.. Su verga estaba durisima, y recuerdo haber comenzado desde la base de su verga, haciendo lamidas como buen cachorro, desde la base hasta al punta, hasta cierto momento que no aguantaba mas ver el pre que salia de su verga y muy suavecito coloco mis labios en la punta y de a poco voy tragandome toda su verga, hasta la base. Esas subidas y bajadas, fueron muy ricos. Las disfrutaba mucho, y a veces el master, en la emocion, me tomaba de la cabeza y me hacia ir mas fuerte. Claramente, tenía que hacerlo mejor, y en todo momento intentaba ver la forma en que podia mejorar la tecnica. Le gustaba que lo atendieran asi, y tomar las riendas. En un momento me detiene y me hace parar al lado de la cama. Me ordena esperar, y alli me quedo, quieto esperandolo.
Luego se acerca con un leather sack que trajo de su dungeon. Estaba maravillado. Nunca antes habia estado en uno, y era todo un sueño lo que el master me estaba regalando para experimentar. Me enseño a colocarmelo, y luego se encargo de atarme al mismo. Se aseguro nomas que mi verga pudiera salir del sack, y a continuacion me echo a la cama. Volvia a estar reestringido en movimiento, pero esa hermosa sensacion que tenía de estar rodeado de cuero, me volvia loco, me ponia muy sumiso. El master se acerca, ahora con una mascara de gas, y con un magic wand. Nunca antes habia sentido una magic wand, y sin dudarlo, una de las primeras cosas que hace, es colocarme la magic wand en mis bolas, y ahi comenzo a hacer presion contra ellas. Ufff… no podia hacerme eso, era muy maligno de su parte. Pero alli estaba el juego, ¿que importaba si podia o no hacerlo? Al fin y al cabo, el era el master. Podia hacerlo si queria, y como tal, tuve que entregarme a intentar resistirme de no acabar mientras el jugaba presionandome el magic wand contra mi verga y mis bolas. No solo eso, tambien se subia encima de la cama y ponia su verga encima de mi cara. Claramente, no habia terminado con el oral, y el lo sabia. Mas, queria, y me dio la orden de abrir bien la boca, porque ahora iba a ir por el facefuck. Por suerte, eso me ayudaba a concentrarme y olvidarme un poco de la magic wand que me ponia al limite, aunque, era dificil, muy dificil.
Sin embargo el amo disfruto de cogerme la boca poniendome toda su verga hasta al fondo moviendola de lado a lado por toda la boca mientras disfrutaba de su popper y de mi lengua lamerle toda la boca. Tomaba descansos donde se masturbaba en frente de mi cara, y yo como cachorro sediento intentaba lamerlo con mi lengua mientras me ponia su verga en frente. Era maligno, pero era parte del juego. Queria seguir lamiendola, queria que me siga cogiendo la boca. Y amigo, si que lo hizo… Y creeme que lo disfruto mucho cuando te digo que tanto los dos nos excitaba tanto el momento que casi acabamos los dos al mismo tiempo. Por miedo a acabar antes de que me lo permitiera, me resisti al magic wand. Pero una vez que el master se limpio, tomo la magic wand y la presiono aun mas fuerte contra mi verga y fue alli que no pude pelear contra ella. Acabe, y acabe mucho… wow, fue demasiado, y fue muy intenso.
Fue como el mejor cierre para esa noche, mi cabeza giraba de lado a lado de tanto placer que habia tenido por horas, y estaba alegre de que el master estaba satisfecho. Me senti muy orgulloso de mi, y espero que el master tambien lo haya estado. Luego me fui a colocar mi ropa y hablamos un poco.
Muy pocas veces se da uno la oportunidad de cumplir sus sueños, y esa noche yo habia cumplido el mio, el de haber conocido al Mestre GutoLemos, haber sesionado en su dungeon y haber estado bajo sus ordenes. Ojala muy pronto pueda volver a tener una noche de sueño como aquella. Porque este cachorro aun quedo sediento, y esta listo para levantar el nivel.
Pup raccoon se despide. Hasta la proxima aventura
Let me share with you this crazy journey I had the amazing chance to live. Since the moment I first saw master Guto Lemos’s xtube profile and videos, I inmediatly became a fan of his videos. Oh wow.. Have you seen them? If not, go do it now.
But one thing is to watch it on your computer, or sometimes in your bed, with your phone, as you get horny with every video, with every minute of those videos. And another thing is to do actually have the chance to live it. To experience it, in real life.
Ok, so before going back home to Argentina I stayed a few days more in Sao Paolo just to arrange a session with Mestre GutoLemos. So, we arranged a night in his place where his dungeon is. I went to his place and there was a security guard in the front. He asked me for my ID. SHIT! I left the hotel without my ID! I wasn’t going to leave the place to go get it..Damn... I didn’t wanted to lose time, but thankfully I know portuguese, and I tried to talk to the securitu guard trying to find a solition to my problem. OH! Then i remembered that i had a picture of my ID in my Phone. That could work! I searched for it and showed it to the guard. He said OK and i was able to get in.
Awesome! Now the fun starts. I went to the elevator and… shit.. I was shaking. Of course, a lot of feeling around, but mostly goosebumps. I always get goosebumps with every session, and this one wasn’t the exception. Maybe i was very excited that i was going to experience a true dungeon and a true master..someone i respect and admire.. It was a dream to be able to have a session with the master GutoLemos. The elevator was a bit slow for my taste but then i arrived to the floor and searched for his door. I ringed the bell, and the door opened. He was waiting for me, and invited me to come in.
Without wating time, he ordered me to take all my clothes off and my piercings, cause he was going to play with some masks so no piercings. I say yes, and followed his orders. I’ve done something similar before, you know, entering a place and quickly getting naked for my master, so everything felt natural at that time.. I waited for him to get ready. “Come in” he said, and i followed him. I entered his dungeon, and i had a moment to contemplate it before starting the real fun.
It was like a dream place for me. Wow, I thought. I knew some dungeons, but everything in this place called my attention how orderly and strategically placed everything was. It was a masterpiece. How long it took him to put it together? Well, clearly, the Mestre GutoLemos was a dom that puts passion to his work, his dungeon, his articles.. You can clearly see it.
So, I was naked in front of him and suddenly he points me his first order: to go me under a square structure that was in the middle of the dungeon, extending my arms up and my feet to the sides, in X pose. If you enjoy to be restrained, you will know how tasty and delicious is the feeling when your master starts tying you with the wristbands. The whole preparation was also part of the ecstasy. I love that time for preparation, and I enjoy it a lot. One by one, he was securing the wristbands to my wrists. From that moment on, I was beginning to be restrained. At that moment, I was already commited to him. It was cold, and my body trembled a little, but I was enjoying the moment, and enjoying every touch of his hands holding on to his artillery. Then he started with my feets, and with that, I was fully restricted.
Then master began with the most delicate artillery. He gave me the order to look forward and little by little he put a leather mask on me. Gently he tied it to my skull. I could not see inside it. I was blindfolded. "Can you breathe?" Asked the master. "Yes master!" I answered. I felt he was satisfied with my answer and continued the preparation. After that, he began to put the chastity cage on me,, a metal cage, of those that the weight stresses the balls. And it felt good. Very good. And from there, the game started to take shape. Much of it was enjoying being in that position for a considerable time, in which I started to lose the notion of space. "Is he walking around me?" "Is he taking pictures?" "Filming maybe?" I just knew I had to keep my posture. From time to time he would come closer to me, play with my nipples, pinch them, twist them.. Hell, it was fun, it was very pleasant. At a certain moment, I felt something cold from my ass. Not only did I feel that cold metal, but also my ass was open for his fingers to enter, and which felt like they entered with a good amount of lubricant. I breathed deeply, to maintain my posture and openness. Then I feel that cold metal again for my ass, I knew what it was, a good metal plug. And with a little push, the master managed to push it inside of me. It was not a big buttplug, but it was enough to make me make a soft moan. In a certain moment, I begin to feel a sensation that I have never felt before. Wow... was that electro? Yes, it was. My first time experiencing electro. I felt like inside my ass it raised heat inside. "Ufff… this.. is... so.. GREAT" he said .. And while I felt the shock inside my ass that made my buttocks contract with each pulse, the master played with me. I think I remember taking a few whips with his flogger, and maybe another leather article, that I clearly did not know which one because it was blindfolded, but he spanked me, and spanked me pretty good. "Yes ... mmfff ..." I loved his spanks, all of them. They were soft, but precise. All were in the same tone. I felt that I wanted more, and harder. It was not about me resisting the weight of the cage, or the shocks of the plug in my ass, or the whipping .. It was about giving myself up to everything that the master was giving me. Surrender to their lashes. To his blows. To the electric shocks. To the weight of the metal cage. I remember also feeling that he was leaning behind me. I did not expect to feel that he taking me up. I lean to him a bit so both can be at a comfortable height and he fucked me with his hard cock while i was there without moving. It was so awesome, so good, so soft, or hard, the switching was so great. Really, I was there to give myself to any depravity that he did, and it was so great that I did not stop wanting more and more. We spent like that for a long time, until I began to feel that the master was releasing my arms. I felt them a bit tired, a little asleep, but I could still move them. Little by little he freed me from everything, from the cage in my penis, the legs, and the mask. The plug by own motus had fallen alone, but by then, the game was over. At least... the first break. As I said, I enjoyed both moments, the preparation, as well as the disarmament. The master soon put on a collar and leash and made me get on all fours, and as a dog, walk to his room. There he placed a pillow for my head on the floor, and made me lie down on it. There I waited, where he immediately comes back with a beer, and with a funnel attached to a tube. O ... it was time to feed the puppy.
The next thing the master did was to place the funnel in his penis, and he gave me the order to put the tube in my mouth, which I obeyed without asking. I started to feel like a small flow of golden rain begins to fall inside my mouth, and excited, without hesitation, I began to drink it. I was thirsty, and I was very pleased to feel the master's piss enter my throat and satiate me. It was so pleasant that I could not help being so hard so I had to touch myself while he was filling my mouth with his piss. A very hot liquid, very strong. He made sure there was not a drop left on his cock, and he took the tube out. After that, he went to bed, and made me kneel in front of his feet. At last he had given me the glorious order to attend to his feet. And I, without hesitation, and even with great enthusiasm, I obeyed him, little by little, running my tongue along each of his feet. The master loved it. I enjoyed hearing his pleasant roars that my tongue provoked when I licked the soles of his feet and between his toes. I had several tricks for him, that I longed for him to notice and enjoy them. Among them, go finger by finger, running my tongue around them, licking and sucking them, at any possible angle. From end to end. On each of his feet. I focused on not rushing, to enjoy that unique flavor of his feets. They tasted delicious, and I felt very dirty inside.
It was hard not to touch myself with that picture in front of my eyes. The master enjoyed it, I could tell by how relaxed he was, and he let me be a good puppy to take care of him. Then he tells me to get on the bed, and to take care of his cock. With pleasure, I climbed, in four, to the bed. And with great enthusiasm I begin to sniff him everywhere. Oh yes ... How delicious was the taste, the smell of the master.. His cock was hard, and I remember starting from the base of his cock, doing licks like a good puppy, from the base to the tip, until a certain time I could not stand seeing the pre coming out of his cock, and very softly, I put my lips on the tip of his cock and little by little I swallowed all of his cock, from top, to the base. Those ups and downs, they were very tasty, very pleasent. I enjoyed them very much, and sometimes the master, immersed in emotion, took me by the head and made me chuckle and suck it even harder. Clearly, I had to do it better, and at all times I tried to see how I could improve my technique. I was learning from him, and he liked to be treated like that, and take the reins.
In a sudden moment he stops me and makes me stand right next to the bed. He orders me to wait, and there I stayed, waiting for him. Then he approaches with a leather sack that he brought from his dungeon. I was amazed. I had never been in one before, and it was a dream that the master was giving me to experience it. He showed me how to put it on, and then he was in charge of tying me to it. He made sure that my cock could come out of the sack, and then he placed me on the bed. I was restrained again, surrounded by leather, it made me crazy, made me feel very submissive. The master approaches, now with a gas mask, and with a magic wand. I've never felt a magic wand before, and without hesitation, the first things he does is put the magic wand in my balls, and then he started to press the wand against my balls. Ufff ... how he could be that evil! It was very evil move on his part. But.. , what did it matte? He was the master. I was his toy. I had to give myself up to try to resist not cumming while he pressed the magic wand against my cock and balls. But not only he played like that. He also climbed on top of the bed and put his cock over my face.
Clearly, he had not finished with the oral fuck, and I knew it. He gave me the order to open my mouth wide, because now he was going for the facefuck. Luckily, that helped me to concentrate on his cock and forget a bit about the magic wand that put me to the edge, although, it was difficult, very difficult. However, the master enjoyed taking my mouth and putting his whole cock pretty deep, moving it from side to side all over my mouth, while enjoying his popper, and my tongue licking his whole cock. He took breaks where he masturbated in front of my face, and I, as a thirsty puppy, tried to lick it with my tongue while his cock was in front. He was evil, but I loved it. It was part of the game. I wanted to continue licking it, I wanted to continue to hold it in my mouth.And buddy… hell I did... And believe me that I enjoy it every inch, I enjoyed it a lot. I tell you, both of us were so excited at the moment that we almost finished both at the same time. For fear of ending before he allowed to, I resisted the magic wand. But once the master came on my face and mouth, and once he cleaned himself, he took the magic wand and push it even harder against my cock and I could not fight against it. I came, and I came a lot Finish.... wow, it was too much, and it was very intense.
That was like the best closing for that night, my head was spinning from side to side with so much pleasure that I had had for hours, and I was glad that the master was satisfied. I felt very proud of myself, and I hope that the master GutoLemos was proud of me too. Then I went to put my clothes on, and we talked a little.
Very seldom does one give yourself the opportunity to fulfill his dreams, and that night I had fulfilled mine, of meeting Mestre GutoLemos, having held a session in his dungeon, being under his commands. I hope you can have a night of dreams like that again. Because this puppy is still thirsty, and is ready to raise the level.
Pup raccoon says goodbye. Until next adventure